Trust us - top 50

Novo Nordisk ligger nummer 2 når SustainAbility kårer verdens top 50 udi kunstarter som etik og bæredygtighed i “Trust Us - The Global Reporters 2002 Survey of Corporate Sustainability Reporting”.

Undersøgelsen fra SustainAbility viser hvem der bedst lever op til den tredobbelte bundlinje.

K-forum har fået lov at bringe de indledende dele af rapporten – herunder:

  • Executive Summary
  • Forewords
  • Introduction

    Korte uddrag:
    The Johannesburg Declaration
    "The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg confirmed the need to engage business as part of the solution to the sustainable development challenges we face in the world. At the same time, news of corporate scandals earlier in the year heightened the debate on corporate responsibility and accountability. It was therefore no surprise when the Johannesburg Declaration called for ‘private sector corporations to enforce corporate accountability’. Clearly the focus on ‘trust’ in the 2002 Global Reporters Survey is a timely one."

    Trust Us
    "Trust Us, which summarizes the findings of the 2002 Global Reporters survey, aims to identify and classify best practice in corporate accountability across the triple bottom line (TBL) of sustainable development. The spotlight is on 100 sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports from around the world, with the Top 50 subjected to an in-depth benchmarking. In addition, we analyze current reporting across industry clusters and in terms of emerging ‘hot topics’."

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